Rick Warren is a mega church pastor in California that has reached a level of acclaim and notoriety almost unrivalled in contemporary history. He has done so using the momentum of his New York Times best seller's list work known as "The Purpose Driven Life".
Notoriety, popularity or whatever you want to call it, can be accompanied by many things; wealth, fame, favor, sometimes even scorn and criticism. Be that as it may, it at the least calls attention to one's self, desired or not. One of the interesting things about notoriety, escpecially in Christian circles as I observe, is that it gives the notion that the popular person is a source of knowledge that is to be sought out, listened to and followed. This is a common North American attribute of the famous.
In one of Rick Warren's latest emails to subscribers he communicated some things that at first glance are timely, practical and current. After some not so deeper examination, call it a second read, I find his comments empty, lacking and void of God's wisdom. I think he misses the point of Christianity and the Body of Christ and indicates erroneous thinking. After reading the quote I'll explain.
"It takes enormous amounts of energy, creativity, commitment, time, money, and preparation to pull off a worship service that will attract visitors and focus them on Jesus. Why go to all this trouble trying to bridge the cultural gap between the church and the unchurched? We do it in service to Jesus and we do it because we care about the lost people Jesus cares about."
Rick Warren
1. Like many North American pastors, the 'worship service' has been relegated to an event. No longer a corporate expression of the Body of Christ together, no longer an experience by all who gather to be edified together, the worship service is a show that is put on by the professionals or the ones who have auditioned and been deemed 'competent enough' to lead worship.
This thinking flies in the face of scripture and the writings of the apostle Paul when he wrote 'offer yourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, this is your spiritual worship." (paraphrased). He encouraged the believers when they came together to speak to one another with spiritual psalms, making melody in their hearts. Worship was not reduced to a few pros on a platform, it was how you lived your life. Based on the teachings of scripture, a worship service isn't just something you 'pull off'.
Based on the teachings of scripture, a worship service isn't just something you 'pull off'
2. Attracting visitors. This is where I believe most people simply just get it wrong. It's not even their fault. We have inherited a Christianity that doesn't look like early Christianity and do the things we do without even knowing why.
The purpose of a worship 'service' is not, nor should it ever be, to attract visitors. A look at the New Testament writings of Paul would explain this fully. Ephesians 5:19 states, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord," The gathering of believers for corporate worship was for them and not to attract and impress unbelievers. The expression of worship to God in both Old and New Testament contexts was to always be from a place of holiness and concecration. Even in the Old Testament Tabernacle time, unbelievers could be permitted in the outer court, but, for worship and sacrifice they could not enter the inner court.
Philippians 3:3 explains it this way, "For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh..." Worship was for the believers, those of what Paul called 'the circumcision' referring to the covenant relationship between God and his people.
All of this added to Rick's comments on how it takes a lot of time, creativity, commitment, money etc. etc. all point to even more things wrong with this philosophy. A worship service of showmanship will always be meant for impressing/attracting unbelievers. True worship will cost you nothing and you won't have to have a planning session or rehersal to 'pull it off'.
Bridging a 'cultural gap'. Many North American churches believe, teach and pursue this thing called 'cultural relevance'. I need to be frank here. I don't see Jesus, the apostles or even the early church fathers concerned about this. Jesus' parting words were to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and to make disciples. I would contend that being culturally relevant can be fun, creative, and attract attention to religious organizations and personalities, but it is not on Christ's top listing of priority. Why? I write this because when one examines what people do to be 'culturally relevant', we see nothing more than mimicking a worldly, earthly pattern of finding significance. Some try to have dramatic presentations, others focus on current music styles while others incorporate the arts. I do not forbid the use and enjoyment of any of these as I firmly believe that they are good and given to us to be enjoyed. But that's it. They are not given to make disciples because they cannot. That is what believers do in relationship with other human beings. In the end, vast amounts of budgeted monies are spent on religious entertainment to validate paid professional positions in churches and organizations.
Final thoughts
As I walk my journey of faith I am challenged to, instead of accept the inherited Christianity we've been handed, read the scriptures and find out what they mean and try to live it. Sometimes I don't like the answers to my questions. Sometimes I don't like the fact that I have to change what I used to believe. Sometimes I don't want to change how I live. Yet, in all of this, it's the living Word of God that transforms all of us. The Holy Spirit is our teacher to help bring understanding to it all.
I have no personal vendetta against Rick Warren, nor do I write this as a personal attack. I do however have a personal passion for the correct and paramount regard for the teachings of scripture, not the mere interpretations of man. Counting myself among the company of imperfect, flawed humanity, I encourage you to re-examine what you do and why you do it and ask the hard questions. Re-read the scriptures and find their meaning and understanding. That's the one thing we all need to know how to pull off.
I understand that a "worship service" can be used to reach "the lost people Jesus cares about". Popular Christian music draws people to want to know Jesus, that's true. But to me a true "worship service" is me singing a song to God in my car on the way to work, or as I cook supper in my kitchen, or as I hum a song that I suddenly realize is being sung to God to thank him for all he's done for me. Its meant only for Him to hear, and if someone else hears it and it makes them want to know Jesus, then that's just an added bonus!
Well said Beth! Yes it's true that singing is only one way to worship but as you state, it can be used by God and indeed it is. While some have gone to the extreme of creating a church culture where music is 'worship' and everything else is not, we must remember that the Bible is replete with commands for all of us to sing to the Lord in worship. We simply must remember that everything we do in life is worship. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
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