Sunday, December 02, 2007

So Who's Voting for God in 2008?

People repeat it millions of times all over the world every day. It's a piece of what is known as "The Lord's Prayer". But it's those words "on earth as it is in heaven" that I want to extract and talk about. I am convinced that there are many North American Christians that believe that America has exclusive rights to God and that he must live in the US and Canada. For America it must be "on earth as it is in heaven", or, God must make earth like heaven. My only problem with that is that North America and Heaven are diametrically opposed to each other.

Kingdoms are literally dictatorships where people are told what to do by their king. North America is run by democracies. North Americans are free people who love their freedom and don't like other people telling them how to live. How shall the two be mixed? There's only one place that the dictatorship called the Kingdom of Heaven can coexist with free North Americans. That place is in the people's hearts.

There were Christians in communist Russia. There are Christians in atheist nations like North Korea, China etc. There are Christians in the West Bank, Gaza strip and Arab nations. The form of government has no impact on who can be a Christian. It only makes you think a little harder about becoming one sometimes. The fact does remain that Christ's kingdom is a kingdom of the heart, not a kingdom of a nations politics.

As the US approaches a national presidential election, and Canada prepares for their next federal election, don't try to elect a government solely for the purpose of making your nation a Christian nation (although that is very noble and desireable). It's apparent that God doesn't really care what kind of government you have (and might I add that he may have ordained that to be so for his divine purposes anyway). Vote for people you want to do the job of politics in your particular governemt and invest yourself into the dictatorship/kingdom of God with all your heart, mind and soul.

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